We are currently out of brown bins for food waste/compost at both of our offices. Please call or e-mail us to be added to the waiting list.
We are currently out of brown bins for food waste/compost at both of our offices. Please call or e-mail us to be added to the waiting list.

Our services

At our locations


If you are a resident of Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, you can come to our office to pick up a new brown bin (food waste/compost) or montréalais bin (recycling) and drop off your damaged bins if necessary. Please remember to bring a proof of address which includes your name and your current address with you (such as a driver’s licence, municipal tax statement or Hydro-Québec bill).

Make sure your damaged bins are washed well with vinegar or dish detergent before bringing them to our office. We store them in our office until they’re picked up by the borough.

Drop-off point for certain waste items

Our location at 6767 chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges is a drop-off point for certain waste items which can’t easily be recycled (only for borough residents and in small quantities).

Bike trailer

We have a bike trailer (named Lucia!) ready for you to borrow for free at our office! Built by a Côte-des-Neiges resident during a workshop organised by Solon for their Locomotion project, it includes a universal connector that works with most bikes.

Get in touch with us to reserve it for free!

As part of the Locomotion project, you can also participate in a workshop to build your own bike trailer.

Graffiti removal kits

If you’d like to remove graffiti from your property, pass by our office to pick up a free graffiti removal kit!

Tools for neighbourhood clean up activities

If you notice a particularly dirty area of your neighbourhood, you can help to organise a clean up activity. Please get in touch with us to borrow tools and high visibility vests!

Grant program for washable diapers for babies and sustainable menstrual products

We are the drop-off point for these grants for residents of Côte-des-Neiges.

If you would like to participate, please see all of the details on the Montréal website:

In the community


We offer workshops to help promote awareness on good waste management practices (recycling, composting and the food waste collection, Écocentres). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are involved in a group (multi-unit residential building, non-profit organization, school, etc.) and would like to learn more about recycling or composting!

Eco-friendly events

We can help you organize your event in the most environmentally friendly way possible. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are organizing an event in the Côte-des-Neiges area!

Household collection of items for the Écocentre

If you do not have access to a vehicle and have bulky items that should not simply go to the landfill, you can take advantage of our pick-up service.

Accepted materials are large items that can normally be taken to the Ecocentre, but are difficult to transport without a motorized vehicle such as:

  • Televisions
  • Refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners
  • Other large appliances
  • Large electronics (sound systems, desktop computers)
  • Damaged wooden furniture

Some materials accepted at the Ecocentre are excluded:

  • Items which can be reused (there are several places to bring them)
  • Paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, metal (to be put in your recycling bin)
  • Car tires (to be brought to the Ecocentre by car)
  • Construction, renovation and demolition waste
  • Household hazardous waste (we are not authorized to transport it)
  • Green waste (to be dropped off for your green waste collection)

Criteria for participation

  • Be a resident of Côte-des-Neiges
  • You do not have access to a vehicle
  • Items must be free of cockroaches/bugs

Humanitarian Furniture (Meubles Solidaires)

This project is suspended for the moment. Keep an eye out for news.

Humanitarian redistribution service for newly arrived and/or low income households. First come, first served. We cannot garantee a maximum delivery time because there is a waiting list and our furniture stock is limited.

To make a request, please come to our office or you can be referred by one of our partners.

We cannot pickup furniture donations at the moment. Please contact us if you are willing to deliver the furniture yourself to our warehouse.

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