Bring your damaged equipment back to life! Don’t throw things away, learn to repair. Together, let’s reduce our waste and adopt sustainable practices. Join us for a friendly, hands-on repair experience.
As part of the Semaine québécoise de réduction des déchets, and in collaboration with CIEL CDN, Carrefour d’Initiatives Environnementales Locales de CDN, and Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi de CDN, we invite you to a free participatory workshop on repairing small equipment.
Come and learn how to repair your own equipment with us.
Does not include: Cell phones, tablets, computers, microwaves
Equipment that cannot be repaired will be sent to the Ecocentre.
You can also become a full member to be invited to all of our events (including the AGA).
Vous pouvez également devenir membre pour être invité à tous nos événements (y compris l'AGA).