We are currently out of brown bins for food waste/compost at both of our offices. Please call or e-mail us to be added to the waiting list.
We are currently out of brown bins for food waste/compost at both of our offices. Please call or e-mail us to be added to the waiting list.


Would you like to volunteer your time and energy to make a difference in your community? Do you have skills and want to share them with the community?

We offer volunteer and internship opportunities to individuals, groups and businesses. Available volunteer activities vary in length (a few hours, half a day, full day) but the results are lasting and rewarding!

A great way to find out about potential volunteering opportunities is to check our social media accounts, watch our calendar of upcoming activities, or sign up for our newsletter. You can also sign up to become a full member.

Some of our volunteer opportunities include:

  • neighbourhood clean-up activities
  • gardening work
  • tree planting
  • door-to-door activities
  • informational kiosks
  • helping to manage eco-friendly events

We can also provide you with a certificate for your volunteer work.

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