We are currently out of brown bins for food waste/compost at both of our offices. Please call or e-mail us to be added to the waiting list.
We are currently out of brown bins for food waste/compost at both of our offices. Please call or e-mail us to be added to the waiting list.

Our mini sorting centre

To make it easier for residents of Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce to properly dispose of certain waste items, we have a mini sorting centre at our location at 6767 chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges.

Accepted items


Please note that this service is only for borough residents and in small quantities. Hazardous household waste items not mentioned below (for example: paint, chemical products, car batteries, computers, televisions, etc.) should be brought to an Écocentre (for example, the Côte-des-Neiges Écocentre). Please consult the Montréal website for all of the details.

  • Polystyrene/styrofoam (#6 plastic) used for packaging items such as electronics or furniture. Other types of plastic marked #6 can now be placed in with your regular recycling!
  • Used batteries, picked up by Call2Recycle. Please see the Recycle Your Batteries Canada website for more details about safety and which batteries are accepted.
  • Empty printer cartridges, picked up by Mira. Please note that not all cartridges are accepted, see this PDF for details about which cartridges we can accept
  • Small electronics, in the Electrobac drop-off point on the ground floor of the building. Before throwing them away, think about trying to repair your electronics at a Répar’action workshop!
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