We are currently out of brown bins for food waste/compost at both of our offices. Please call or e-mail us to be added to the waiting list.
We are currently out of brown bins for food waste/compost at both of our offices. Please call or e-mail us to be added to the waiting list.

For sale: native trees

You can choose among 6 native tree species of good size (3-gallon pots):
Saskatoon Serviceberry
Red Oak
Red Maple
Common Hackberry
American Linden

Price: 25 $ per tree. Conditions: to live in the Montréal agglomeration and to plant the tree(s) on this territory.

Procedure: come to our office to buy your tree(s) and fill the registration form; then you can pick up your tree(s) at a location (to e confirmed) in the Côte-des-Neiges neighbourhood on Saturday June 15th, 2013.

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