We are currently out of brown bins for food waste/compost at both of our offices. Please call or e-mail us to be added to the waiting list.
We are currently out of brown bins for food waste/compost at both of our offices. Please call or e-mail us to be added to the waiting list.

Latest Past Events

Repair workshop in collaboration with the CJE CDN

CJE CDN 6555 chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges, local 235, Montreal

Bring your damaged equipment back to life! Don't throw things away, learn to repair. Together, let's reduce our waste and adopt sustainable practices. Join us for a friendly, hands-on repair experience. As part of the Semaine québécoise de réduction des déchets, and in collaboration with CIEL CDN, Carrefour d'Initiatives Environnementales Locales de CDN, and Carrefour […]

Apple (and pear) picking outing

Vergers Écologiques Philion 389 route 202, Hemmingford

Our annual apple picking outing to the vergers écologiques Philion is back this year! This year it will be on Sunday, September 29th. Here are the details: Send us an email to info@socenv.ca to register!

Corvée Dame Nature (in partnership with the SDC Côte-des-Neiges)

There will be a big clean up activity, the Corvée Dame Nature (Mother Nature clean up), on Thursday, July 4th from 3pm to 7pm in partnership with the SDC Côte-des-Neiges. You can expect music, a collaborative mural, our kiosk, other activities, as well as of course a big cleanup along chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges. Come […]

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